No-one could stop the e-revolution in the commercial property industry today. Digitisation translates into the state of the market faster and to a greater degree than we might have expected.
Given that we do our shopping over the Internet increasingly often and that the omni-channel is becoming the driving force behind the expansion of retail chains, why would anyone bother to visit a shopping arcade? Will entertainment become a magnet for people? How does the way of thinking about office space change when the virtual environment offers some completely new work opportunities? In what way will e-commerce impact the demand for new space and the development of new formats in the logistics and warehouse sector, and how will the Internet of Everything revolutionise our thinking about the hotel industry?
Today, no-one knows clear answers to these questions, but a conversation conducted among a group of professionals will surely prevent us from letting the digital revolution slip through our fingers. We invite you to attend the 5th edition of the Property Forum – the Property Forum 2015.